Webinar Recap: Places & Spaces for Women & Girls

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Webinar Recap: Places & Spaces for Women & Girls

More than 200 industry professionals joined us this morning (Tuesday 2nd July) as we delved into the critical topic of gender-sensitive urban planning and the creation of inclusive public spaces for women and girls. This webinar served as a vital platform for dialogue and action, aiming to inspire tangible steps towards building urban environments that prioritize the needs and voices of women and girls.

A heartfelt thank you to all our attendees and especially to our powerful speakers for sharing their insights, observations, and expertise, and for curating such an impactful and inspiring conversation: Vivienne King (Impactful Places), May East (UN House Scotland), Susannah Walker (Make Space for Girls), Marina Milosev (London Legacy Development Corporation), and Gina Colley (Threesixty Architecture).

Key Headline Takeaways.

  • Gender Sensitive Planning & Budgeting is essential for inclusive urban development.
  • Mosaic of Interventions: Diverse strategies for addressing gender needs to avoid a zero-sum perspective and foster collective design.
  • Co-evolving Mutualism to ensure collaborative growth.
  • Transforming Zones of Anxiety and Designing Against Crime to create safer spaces.
  • Regenerative Mindset focusing beyond sustainability.
  • Uniqueness of Place starts by leveraging local potential.
  • Deep Listening & Involvement by engaging directly with target groups, especially teenage girls.
  • Changing Spaces, Not Women: Redesigning environments to fit women’s needs.
  • Women’s Presence in Parks and encouraging visibility of every type of woman and girl as the number one driver of safety and security.

Some Of The Key Questions Raised by the Audience.

  • How can we engage men/male colleagues in gender-sensitive planning?
  • Are there any inexpensive design solutions for girls’ spaces? Playground designers often face budget and brief limitations from developers and local authorities.
  • Why are there such limited examples of successful park designs enhancing female safety?
  • Are there any tips to encourage girls and women to get involved in the design process?
  • Can Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) leverage the Public Sector Equality Duty to influence design in favor of women and girls, even when planning policy has not yet caught up?
  • Growing up in a rural area, I found it fascinating to observe how urban spaces were used or underutilized in the cities I visited as an adult. Is there any research on parks in rural areas, and are there lessons learned that can be applied to urban spaces?

Memorable Quotes.

  • “We are working with lifelines, not deadlines.”
  • “Potential looks forward, problem-solving looks backward.”
  • “Stop using an old map to explore a new territory.”
  • “Focus on what is strong, not what is wrong.”

Must Reads.

Next Steps.

Revo will continue to explore this crucial topic, recognising the importance of keeping the conversation alive. We are committed to reaching more industry professionals and ensuring that gender-sensitive planning and development remain central considerations in all future projects. If you want to get involved, please contact kayley@revocommunity.org 

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