Revo Conference 2023

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Revo Conference 2023

Time truly flies when you’re having a blast! It’s hard to fathom that a whole week has whisked by since our 2023 Revo Conference at Completely Retail Marketplace.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to each and every one of you who joined us; your presence was the heartbeat of this event and played an indispensable role in its success.

A special shoutout to our remarkable conference host, Ibrahim Ibrahim, the insightful moderators, the dedicated Revo Hub committee, and our brilliant speakers. They poured their wisdom, experiences, and knowledge into our cherished members and attendees, making the event an enriching experience.

We would also like to thank our sponsors Hollis & PFM Intelligence Group, whose generous support was pivotal. A huge tip of the hat to our event partner, Completely Retail Marketplace, for once again orchestrating an outstanding event!

Keep your eyes peeled for the forthcoming conference recordings. They’ll be a treasure trove for those who want to relive the magic or catch up on any missed sessions. In the meantime, take a peek to see if you made it into the event snapshots 📸 – click here!

We sincerely hope that each of you found the event enjoyable and memorable. 😁

And guess what? We’re already gearing up to welcome you back with open arms next year! Stay tuned for another unforgettable rendezvous!