Study Tour – Canada Water

Study Tour – Canada Water


September 1, 2022


4:00 pm


Canada Water, Deal Porters Way, London SE16, United Kingdom

Study Tour – Canada Water

We are planning a study tour of a timeless London location, in partnership with British Land, that is receiving the next big King’s Cross regeneration treatment, Canada Water.

Tour Agenda:

16:00 – 17:45: Meet at Canada Water Café to then split into groups for the walking tour led by British Land

17:45 – 18:00: Regroup at the Project Hub for refreshments, networking and a presentation from the key players involved in the regeneration and redevelopment project which will include the following elements and themes:

  • What has been achieved and what are the ambitions for social impact and net zero
  • What relationships have been key and how have they been managed
  • What role do meanwhile uses have
  • The story explaining the place – brand narrative
  • Difficult choices, challenges trade offs particularly in relation to viability
  • Design and architecture

20:00: Tour finish

20:30: Drinks reception at Leadbelly’s Bar & Kitchen

This event is complimentary and only open to Revo members.

Please note there are limited spaces available so please confirm your interest and your place by contacting today!