Revo is the only membership body representing both owners, occupiers and professional consultancies in retail property and places. We support over 380+ organisations, as well as 1,500 individuals who are engaged in the diverse world of retail property and placemaking. Our community plans, creates, develops and operates retail places throughout the UK’s towns and cities for people to live, work and enjoy. Members include large and small private and publicly listed owners and managers of retail property, retailers, local councils, advisors and consultants.
Our membership community works through our committees, events, publications and national and international networks to shape change in a rapidly evolving industry. Revo membership is based on an organisation joining which then opens the opportunity for employees to join as individuals. Our membership year is January to December and any organisation joining after 1 January pays pro-rata the full fee.
All fees are plus VAT.
If you would like to discuss membership, please contact us.
Click here to view our list of valued corporate members.
Corporate Nominated Membership:
Membership is at a corporate organisational level. Included within this package is one ‘nominated’ member under whose name the corporate membership is held. Once held, Affiliate Membership for additional colleagues can be taken out.
Micro Business Membership:
For smaller organisations of 10 or less employees. Membership is at a corporate organisational level. Included in this package is one ‘nominated’ member under whose name the corporate membership is held. Once held, Affiliate membership for additional colleagues can be taken out.
Revo Hub (Under 30):
Anyone under 30 can become a Revo Hub member for free upon activation or corporate membership status. You must be an employee of the corporate organisation. Revo Hub is a social and business network within the Revo community supporting young professionals and new entrants to the real estate and placemaking sector. It represents and promotes fresh thinking, new ideas, explores industry themes and opportunities as well as developing and celebrating our sector’s pipeline of talent and future leaders. Key emphasis is on networking, learning and insight.
Individual Student Membership:
Membership only applies to full-time students. Proof will be requested.
Corporate Nominated UK
£1,098.00 per annum (pro rata on year of joining)
Micro Business
£272.25 per annum (pro rata on year of joining)
Affiliate Members UK
Revo Hub Members (under 30)
Corporate Nominated Outside the UK
Affiliate Members Outside the UK
£120.00 per annum (pro rata on year of joining)
Individual Student Members
£192.50 per annum (pro rata on year of joining)
Public Sector Employees
Shopping Places Personnel
Non-Member (Free Website User)
Free per annum (pro rata on year of joining)
Subscription Terms & Conditions
Membership charges run from day of joining.
Revo membership is on an annual recurring basis. Invoices will be issued for payment
upon renewal date unless we are notified in writing
to membership@revocommunity.org of intent to cancel.
All annual fees are 100% payable unless we are notified of a request to cancel within
30 days of the renewal invoice.