Nominator DetailsPlease complete your personal details and contact information.NameEmail AddressPhoneOrganisation LogoPlease provide at least one high resolution logo in PNG formatUpload logoChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileNominated place or peopleChoose your award category and complete the details of your place or people including the name and address.Award CategoryPlease selectBest Retail Leasing InitiativeBest Leisure Leasing InitiativeBest Placemaking InitiativeBest Sustainability InitiativeRising StarPropTech InnovationAsset Management InitiativeOccupier of the YearIndependent Operator of the YearPop-up of the YearCommunity InitiativeCentre Management Team of the YearDetails of your place or people including the name and addressPartner detailsTell us about the different partners involved. We need the names and addresses of the investor/owner and developer alongside any other important partners.Partner DetailsNomination Details500 - 1,000 words0 / 1000Supporting MaterialsSupporting ImagesDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesHigh quality in jpeg format (maximum of 4). Please ensure your images do not exceed 4MB in total, if they do, please email a video linkWe recommend including any video footage you have including marketing materials or CGI video etc. Please provide a URL link (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo etc)Supporting statements or testimonialsChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileFrom occupiers, customers, or key stakeholders- up to 1,000 words compiled in a PDF document (maximum of 1 at no more than 2MB in size)Structural diagrams, charts, graphs, site maps, floor plansChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCompiled in a PDF document (maximum of 1 at no more than 8MB in size and 10 pages), you can use a website to compress.If you are unable to upload your supporting materials, please email them to you would prefer for certain elements of your entry to not to be used in promotions please detail them here. We will keep commercially sensitive information private and only shared with our judges.0 / 1000Submit Entry